Coming Soon

Fill Your Tank, Then Fill Your Soul

Novice biker Alistair learns the Silk Road isn’t as soft as it sounds, the Tunnel of Death is as bad as it sounds, and things get even worse at the Gates of Hell. When bikes, hopes and spirits are broken, it’s not just the bike he must fix if he’s ever going to reach Hotel Vladivostok.

Welcome to the World of Silk Roads and Leather Gloves

It was meant to be a bucket list-ticking adventure, but for Alistair and Harry the Silk Road is not smooth running and the Mongolian Steppe might be a step too far.

“I handed over my passport all too easily, bowing to the presumed authority of guns and uniforms.”

“Harry’s engine had formed a dirty oil habit, smoking like an industrial revolution and drinking like Whitley Bay on a bank holiday.”

“Picnics in the desert didn’t look much like a life lived in terror.”

“We eased the pain over a table of cold Russian beers and fake Irish fish at Mad Murphy’s Irish Pub. There’s always an Irish Pub. The fish and chips are never authentic, but the antics of drunken expats make soap operas look like documentaries.”

The Adventures Of

Alistair Todd

Alistair was well into his thirties before he ever rode a motorcycle. Yes, of course he had bicycles as a kid, and he even earned a Cycling Proficiency badge from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, but it’s important to note that two days before that he somehow managed to crash into a house and end up in hospital. It wouldn’t be the last time.

Nowadays he lives on an island in the gulf of Thailand, trying to be a better writer. Trying to be a writer at all. He’s too easily distracted by riding his bicycle. He still has the beloved Yamaha XT600 that took him on an adventure, lovingly restored and rebuilt during the Covid lockdowns. He still dreams of visiting every country in the world.

Countries Visited

Alistair has been published in:

Oleg was a grey-haired Russian with a never-ending cigarette threatening to ignite his bushy moustache. He had the unsteady tremble of a highly accomplished vodka drinker. I gathered he was once a soldier and wondered what horrors he’d seen to lead him to vodka. And whether it was the horror or the vodka that led him to socks with sandals.

Hotel Vladivostok: Silk Roads, Leather Gloves
Don’t miss it!

Another Border, Another Chance To Demonstrate Superior British Queuing

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“The mountaintop spectacle replayed in the cinema of my mind’s eye. If nature could put on a show like that once, it could do it twice. Maybe the matinee in the mountains would be the best performance we ever saw, but that didn’t have to stop me going to the movies. And for every day my Yamaha kept rolling, I would have a ticket for the best seat in the house”.

It sounds good to say you can fix anything with cable ties and duct tape, but if that was really true we wouldn’t have welders and neurosurgeons.

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